Teachers create a grid in Flipgrid and then post topics for their students to respond to using video. Dotstorming A whiteboard app that allows digital sticky notes to be posted and voted on. These online learning programs use a mix of text audio and video; discussion forums; and/or interactive assessment. I am a huge fan of the flipped classroom model and the use of instructional videos to enhance student learning. One study found that flexibility of the space alone could boost academic, just as much as air quality, light, or temperature. So, what tech tools do you need to successfully pull off remote and hybrid classes? study concludes that flexible learning in classroom helps to promote quality education. You can add shapes, links, text and images. You can access it directly from your browser without logging into an account or download the desktop version. While this may not show up explicitly in a standardized test result, students build their ability to see the world as inter-connected, which we know it is. Educational technology tools can be used to streamline exams and assessments. The Center for Applied Specialized Technology (CAST) defines UDL as a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn. ), 7 ways to make remote learning accessible to all students. //-->. Technological change recently has not delivered its full potential in boosting productivity and economic growth. This iOS app records audio while learners take notes via text, photos, web links and handwriting. Flipgrid has recently taken the EdTech world by storm, and for good reason! Here are some augmented reality apps to get started. Students on each team see the same question on their device, but each student has a different set of answers. Technology is changing education. Districts need to deliver education in multiple ways, while also advancing social-emotional learning, for the best outcomes possible. In my high school Social Studies classes, we use Flipgrid to reflect upon course concepts that we discuss, as well as for book clubs, and discussing current events. Take the Whiteboard Owl, for example. It will increasingly play a vital role in measuring the key indicators of learner performance and helping learners . The speech recognition features built into both Windows and Mac provide support for a number of commands that perform common tasks, including opening applications and entering and formatting text. Follow these steps to get started with Flipgrid: There are endless possibilities for using Flipgrid in your classroom to enhance learning. Or, if you prefer to view the list visually, take a look at our Pinterest board. This free Chrome extension can also read a web page aloud. To learn more, visit